Aloha and welcome to my new website. I’ve hastened the creation of this site (installed it two hours ago) as I need a place to organize all the things I’ve been working on and rather than waiting until I have the time to create the site I would prefer and chasing text files all over the place, I figured I might as well just start putting up the content and let it evolve as it may.

I’ve built some wild web experiences before but I think the time for lightning bugs crawling around on your screen, 3D dandelion menus, and the like are taking a back seat for a bit. In fact, I haven’t built crazy interfaces of the like in quite some time. Content should be more interesting than the interface and the interface should strive to make that content accessible, easy, and portable, to name and link a few basics. At least for now… ;-)

The site you are viewing is running on WordPress 2.9.2 at the moment. It is being served by the beautiful Nginx web server and PHP 5.2.10. It’s caching content using WP Super Cache and a few rather interesting rewrite rules in the Nginx configuration. I’ve recently been moving all my websites from Media Temple, whom served me well for nearly eight years, to a few virtual private and cloud based hosting services. I’m sure I will blog about my reasons for said migration soon enough. I hope this site evolves to provide some interesting and useful content.

I have been working on building a new company over the past nine months called Shiftus. It deals with the tedious and mundane tasks of managing schedules across timezones, locations, roles, and other automagical hooplah. I hope it will prove helpful to some and I think the word automagical should be in the dictionary. Aside from building Shiftus I also do consulting work of various types from building websites and mobile applications to software auditing and artwork. If your stuff is broken I might be able to fix it; no promises but I’ve made a few things work here and there over the years so if you have an interesting project drop me a line.

Content restored from the Internet Archive